diciembre 12, 2024

Hombre adopta perros «no deseados» para darles mejor vida

abril 8, 2019 | 190 vistas

Un hombre de Colorado, Estados Unidos llamado Steve Greig, decidió adoptar a diez perros mayores de los refugios para cuidarlos, consciente de que en los centros de adopción muchos mueren tras las rejas porque las familias prefieren un cachorro.

“Crecí con muchas mascotas. Mis padres casi siempre me permitían tener lo que quisiera siempre que pudiera cuidarlos”, reveló Steve, quien cuenta además con dos gatos, dos patos, dos palomas, dos gallinas, un conejo, un cerdo y un estanque de peces.

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As I get older, Christmases become a little quieter and the most unexpected things can have true meaning. On Christmas eve I returned home from church and a package had been delivered from Europe without a return receipt address, Germany probably by the lettering on the box. Inside was the sweetest letter, an old book about a little dog named Gyp and a delicate glass Christmas ornament in the shape of a Dachshund. It was a gorgeous letter mostly about gratitude and how this person wrestled with sending me the ornament because it would probably get broken during the trip. My favorite part of the letter was how they decided to send it anyway because "I was the type of person who would like it even if it was broken". ❤ The letter was only signed with the letter H. Whoever you are, your letter touched my heart deeply and made my Christmas very special. The ornament arrived safely. But you were correct, I would have loved it even if it had been broken. Merry Christmas.

Una publicación compartida de Steve (@wolfgang2242) el

Su intención de cuidar el adorable grupo se dio cuando en su casa falleció uno de los cuatro perros que vivían por él, tras caer en depresión decidió hacer algo “bueno”, que quizá no hubiera hecho si su mascota no hubiera fallecido.

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I work with the Maxfund Rescue Group in Denver to help them find homes for senior dogs that are up for adoption. Today I'm featuring Champ, an 8 year old shar pei. When I do these Maxfund posts I usually have an idea of how I'm going to present the dog and which dogs of mine I'll use in the photo with them. But when Champ came in the door and greeted me with a combination snort/snuffle/grunt I knew somewhere down-the-line he was probably related to Bikini the pig and they had to be photographed together. Just look at them, like two distant cousins about to go out on the town. Champ however, must have graduated with honors from the same finishing school that Bikini got kicked out of because he was a complete gentleman during his entire stay at my house. He gets along with dogs, with cats, (with pigs) and even ignored my free roaming chickens when he was off leash. He's calm, he's quiet and he's completely house trained. Champ had a previous adopter that returned him because of separation anxiety so he would be best for someone that isn't gone for long periods of time and has other dog(s) to keep him company. In my experience it's not uncommon for dogs that have been abandoned to experience separation anxiety and it can take some time until they feel secure again. Champ is also being tested for shar pei swollen hock syndrome. When that flares up it is treated with anti-inflammatories and pain meds. He's available for adoption or foster. Maxfund is open every day except Tuesdays. Direct all related questions to them. 1005 Gallapego, Denver, Colorado. 303.595.4917 or email Kim at @[email protected] #maxfundseniorrescue

Una publicación compartida de Steve (@wolfgang2242) el

Greig fue a un refugio de animales con la idea de llevarse al perro “menos adoptable” para darle un hogar y mejor vida. “Adopté un Chihuahua de doce años llamado Eeyore que tenía un soplo cardíaco y las rodillas en mal estado. Eso fue el comienzo”.

Desde entonces, el número de perro aumentó a ocho, además de que también cuida al perro de su hermana y el de su compañero de piso, por lo que no dudó en compartir una fotografía de todos los canes en Instagram.

Greig hace diez desayunos diarios (cada uno con una dieta específica y diferente). Antes de darles el medicamento a aquellos perros que lo necesitan, después se va a trabajar hasta el almuerzo, tiempo que aprovecha para pasear a la tropa.

Con Información de: 20 minutos
